Jim Saska, who was the organizer of the first Chicagoland tournament I attended, writes to tout his upcoming tourney in the Richmond, Virginia area. Since his Chicagoland days, Jim has started his own tourney back east and it is going strong.

Jim Saska during his Chicagoland days
Jim writes:
“We are three weeks away from the team draft for the upcoming Old Dominion APBA Baseball tournament which will take place via email beginning on August 19. If you haven’t signed up for the tournament yet, now is a great time to let me know you plan on participating ()”
Old Dominion APBA tournament information
What: 2023 Old Dominion APBA Baseball Tournament
When: Saturday October 14 beginning promptly at 9am (plan on arriving by 8:30am)
Where: Woodlawn Presbyterian Church, 1201 Blackstone Avenue, Hopewell, VA.
Theme: Second Chance Tournament- World Series Losers 1920 thru 1999
Cost: $20 (includes lunch/prizes/facility)
I miss seeing Jim but am glad he’s so active in APBA tourneys. Contact him if you’re in the area and wish to participate!
Good luck, Jim!
Thanks for the wonderful write up Tom!