On the heels of the Chicagoland APBA Tournament, there are plenty of other 2024 tourneys prepping for action. Some of the organizers were even in attendance at Chicagoland and were given a chance to make announcements about their upcoming events.

Here are a few tournaments within the next year…
RollAPBAlooza Baseball Tournament
Organizer: Tony Stevens
Date: September 28, 2024
Location: Hampton Inn & Suites Hotel in Florence, SC
RollAPBAlooza, Carolina Style: The Jim Rice Seasons (1974-1989). We are now making our sign-up list for the APBA baseball tournament. The tournament will be at the meeting room in Hampton Inn & Suites Hotel in Florence, SC. The TEAM SELECTION DRAFT will be held on Saturday, August 24th by email.
Food, both a breakfast snack and lunch will be provided. The cost is $25 if paid by Saturday, August 31st or $30 if paid afterwards. Our team selection will begin on Saturday, August 24th for all those who have signed up to join us. For rules and how to pay, please email one of us at , , .
Any APBA issued MLB team from 1903 to 2024 can be used. Any team selected must be entirely from one version. No mixing of different season releases, GTOP, World Series, All-Star or any other versions issued by APBA.
Neil Ess Memorial Twin Cities APBA Baseball Tournament – XXII
Organizer: Jim Fraasch
Date: October 5, 2024
Location: Shakopee Youth Center at Lyons Park 1099 Adams St S Shakopee, MN
The date has been announced for the 22nd semi-annual Twin Cities APBA
Baseball Tournament: Saturday, October 5th, 2024 – 8:30am start time (arrive no later than
Our tournament has been named in honor of Neil Ess, an APBA Baseball
player since 1962. He attended our first TCABT in April of 2014. He
passed away suddenly while on a fishing trip in July of 2014. Neil Ess,
Bruce Tyler and Leroy Arnoldi had played in their own APBA Baseball
league together since 1962. Bruce and Leroy have managed to keep the
league going, for 50+ seasons.
Bruce, Leroy, Neil, Darrell Skogen, Kevin Cluff and Jim Fraasch are the
humble founders of TCABT.For more info, go to Jim’s website.
Second Annual South Bend APBA Baseball Tournament
Organizer: Bob Winegar
Date: June 7, 2025
Location: TBD
Bob says:
The theme is “Not So Lovable Losers” featuring teams from 1904 to present that finished with 100 LOSS seasons! The list includes 156 teams and will undoubtably increase by the end of the current MLB season, at least by one (Thank you White Sox. Please Jerry, sell the team!). Three-man rotation and the DH will be used.
That’s all I have but I know there are more. Prairieland will be happening in Springfield thanks to the Daniels boys and Eric Berg. I just need the details. If you’re looking for a tournament, I recommend subscribing to the APBA newsletter. They cover pretty much every APBA event.
Good luck to everyone! Organizers, try not to stress too much!
Thank you Thomas for the plug about the South Bend tournament! The 100 loss season teams should pose a different and challenging time for the managers. With all of the “3” rated fielding and “D” pitchers , it will be interesting to see what strategies are used. With about seven months to go there are 28 managers signed up, and I’m hoping to reach 50.